Listening 18(nuevo sin corregir)


            If I were going to give career advice to somebody, it would be that you have to love it, you have to really want it and you have to love what you're doing.
        There are so many people that are forced through family pressure or something into doing something that they don't believe in it and they don't like. You've got to go after the kind of job you like. You may love the airline business and the airline business is a terrible business but you'll probably do better within the airline business if you love it. Then you will in a better business, in the airline business. If you don't so, you have to go into something that you like.
        There are many stories of people that became successful later in their life by doing other things and they got out of something that they didn't like, and one of them,  is a friend of mine.
        He was a failure on Wall Street. His family was very important in bigger Wall Street but he wasn't cut out for ---- wasn't tough enough for it. He probably wasn't smart enough for it and he was a failure on Wall Street and all of his life, he was just born to be on Wall Street but it didn't work out that way, so he stayed and he didn't do particularly well. 
But he stayed and stayed and I used to tell him just go out and do something else, but then, what happened, is at his golf course they made him the head of the Greens committee, they were redoing all of the fairways,  all of the ----- and they did it really because they felt sorry for him and nobody else wanted the job. 
And he did a spectacular job. He was there at five o'clock in the morning with the contractors. He worked really hard. He wouldn't get home till eight thirty in the evening. He loved what he was doing and I told him:  ‘You were to go out and build golf courses.  This is what you're good at’. 
And he left him, he's ---------- I could never do that I have to be on Wall Street I'm expected to be on  Wall Street, I have to be on Wall Street. I said yeah, but you're not happy and you're not good at it. He said it doesn't matter I'm expected to be there. 
Well he went back he was miserable and ultimately about five years ago he, he developed a golf course building business where he renovates and builts golf courses. 
He's doing expected. He's doing a spectacular job. It couldn't be better, he couldn't be happier. So first time in his life he's doing well and the first time in his life he's happy.

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