Listening 14

Why are these monkeys stealing from tourists?     
These monkeys are expert thieves.
Here we go, here we go, here we go. Oh! And there you go...
Racing. Audacious. They work out exactly how to get what they want.
Ah, dear, dear... It’s like taking candy from children, it really is.
You have a gangs, don’t you? You fancy yourself as a villain, sunglasses Hitman (*HITMAN is a character of a film).
Ok then, look! Here it goes, here it goes...
I’ve been undercover for about an hour. The monkeys have been stealing all sort of stuff: flip flops, sunglasses (I managed to hang onto my own), people’s hats. I'm told they even sneak their iPhones. The interesting thing is, though, they're taking all this stuff which is valuable to us humans but they're not taking any food.
Well, obviously I spoke too soon about my sunglasses.
But this daylight robbery is still all about food, just not in the way that you’d ever expect. So, to understand what they're up to, I'm giving them an irresistible opportunity.
You see? These monkeys want something in return for my phone. They’re notorious for one thing: holding people to ransom* (poner a la gente al límite).
OK. He’s got my phone. And there is a system by which I may be able to do this:
Partnering (=exchanging).
OK. That’s what it thinks of peanuts. Let’s try something a bit more valuable to it, maybe a bag of bananas? It doesn’t seem particularly interested in the bananas either, does he? The last prize that I have is this: protein in the form of eggs. If anything’s gonna get my phone back, it’s this.

YES!! Ho! Ho! Ho! Oh!

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