Listening 19

Would a fast-food rate improve people’s health?

The generalized assumption is fast food is bad for your health.  And then the question was whether the pricing of fast food influenced how much fast-food people consumed. 

And the answer was yes, it does influence it but, it influences (as might have been expected but isn't obvious) poor people more than not-poor people, meaning that as prices of fast-food go up, everybody eats a little bit less fast food, but people with few economic resources, are influenced much more by the price than people who have more resources.  

Fast-food is bad for your health. It increases obesity, which is a major public health issue, and there are ways of influencing fast food consumption that we shouldn’t be using. For example, as a country, our government subsidizes corn syrup which goes into fast food. It does not subsidize the production of fruits and vegetables, so perhaps we should put more resources into subsidizing healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables and fewer into subsidizing corn and corn syrup.  

We're working on an additional resource search, on what we're calling “obesogenic environment”, which has to do not just with the availability of fast food, but also on the good things in the environment that could reduce obesity, such as places to exercise, run, safe neighbourhoods and so forth (=etc.). So there are more, actually, there's more work forthcoming from the same day of the cardio data and this stuff.

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